GinaCurl VS. Jheri Curl

-The process takes anywhere between 6-9 hours
-27 different chemical strengths to customize for each porosity level.
-The stylist does not have to wear gloves-- No Irritation to the scalp! No burning!
-The hair is washed and conditioned before applying chemical
-The chemical is not applied to the scalp/root
-The chemical is only applied once during the service- never to the perm rods
-When the hair is processed the chemical is washed out with GinaCurl Balancing Shampoo.
-During a retouch, the ends are protected with a protective cream
-The chemical is only applied to the regrowth and a protection cream is applied on the previously treated hair so that hair is not processed again & again.
-Chemical processes at a slower rate
-Chemicals can take up to 1-1/2 hours to process
-The product never touches the scalp until we are ready to rinse out. This will eliminate bends in the hair shaft which causes breakage.
-During the retouch and when we rinse the curl reformer off the hair the previously treated hair doesn’t have time to absorb the chemical. So, again the ends are not being processed over and over.
-Hair must be rodded with endpapers to smooth ends around perm rods.
-We wrap the hair with a heat protectant
-Place client under dryer for 2-4 hours
-GinaCurl’s Neutralizer does not have any hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that is used to lift hair color.
-Retouches are done every 6 months to 1 year
-The hair grows an average of 3 inches every 6 months and the ends stay healthy and strong because the ends are not processed over and over again.
-The hair never has to be wet-looking! You will have a natural-looking curl that only needs a leave-in conditioner and curl cream to style.

Jheri Curl
-The process takes 2-3 hours to complete
-Some only have 1-3 chemical strengths.
-Stylist has to wear gloves
-The hair is not washed or conditioned before applying chemicals.
-The chemical always touches the scalp. No way to prevent that.
-The chemical is applied twice! Once to straighten the hair and again applied to all perm rods.
-When the hair is processed the hair is only rinsed off and the chemical is applied again while rodding the hair on perm rods.
-There is no way to protect the previously treated hair during retouches because they apply the chemical right on perm rods and it soaks into the ends.
-The chemical processes very fast so the stylist doesn’t have enough time to protect the ends during the first application.
The chemical touches the scalp when applied. There is no way to avoid it. This is what causes bends in the hair which causes breakage. Because the chemical touches the scalp it will cause burning or irritation.
-During the retouch and when the stylist rinses the curl reformer off the hair the previously treated hair absorbs the chemical because it processes so fast. So again the ends are not being protected and processed over and over.
-The stylist sometimes does not use end papers so the ends will be frizzy.
-The hair is wrapped in perm rods with more chemicals.
-The others use a neutralizer that has hydrogen peroxide which is another strong chemical that is left on for 10 minutes.
-Retouches are every 3 months or the client will experience breakage. Because the chemical is applied to the scalp there is more chance of breakage. This is due to not being able to protect the ends each time the client comes back or retouches there is more chance of over-processing the hair.

-The client can switch from Gina's Straight Variation to a GinaCurl and back again. With the others, you can not.
-GinaCurl will accelerate hair growth.
-The others will be for one year. After one year, you will start to see thinning on the ends and more shedding.
-There is no breakage with the GinaCurl. Because chemicals are not applied to the scalp. With the others, they do!
-GinaCurl has an amazing aftercare program, easy to follow. The others do not.
-The GinaCurl leaves textures in your hair. The others don’t
-We can redo the GinaCurl if it doesn’t take, on the same day. With the others, you cannot!
-With the GinaCurl all you need to style is a leave-in conditioner and a curl cream with the others you have to keep the hair wet with activators moisturizers
-The GinaCurl is a dry Curl soft loose and natural looking. The others have to stay wet looking to avoid breakage.
-You can wash your hair every day if you want. With the others, you can not.
-You can roller set, rod set, sit under a hooded dryer, and change the curl pattern. With the others, you can not.
-With a GinaCurl In two years the regrowth is the only hair that is chemically touched. During all your retouches, previously treated hair is never processed again. With the others, the hair has been processed 24 times at the end of two years. Once during the initial application, again on the perm rods, and don’t forget the hydrogen peroxide. There is no way to isolate the ends during all three applications.