Trips for Traveling to Hair’s Talent Salon in East Haven CT

Coming from out of town and want to know how to get here and where to stay? We want to make traveling as simple and as stress-free as possible. Here are some nearby hotels, car services, and train information. If you need additional assistance, feel free to email us or call the salon at (203) 466-1246. We do NOT recommend traveling the same day as your service.

Safe Travels


Air Travel to Hair's Talent

Bradley International Airport (BDL), located in Windsor Locks, CT:

This airport is about an hour away from the salon but offers more flight options. This airport also tends to be the most affordable option for flights into CT.

Tweed New Haven Airport (HVN), located in New Haven, CT:

This airport is about 15 minutes away from the salon but tends to be more expensive and offer less flights because it’s not an international airport.

John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and La Guardia Airport (LGA):

Both airports are located in Queens, New York and both are approximately 2 hours from the salon. Tip: Southwest Airlines allows you to change or cancel a flight even as close as 10 minutes before boarding with no penalty charges.                     


Travel by Train to Hair's Talent

If you are traveling to Hair’s Talent by train, the closest train station is Union Station located in New Haven. Here you will be able to take the MTA/Metro-North and Amtrak Trains. The salon is the last stop with MTA/Metro-North.

by car

Driving to Hair's Talent

If you are traveling by car, ride-sharing service, or taxi, input the following into the GPS:

34 Main Street, East Haven CT 06512

Helpful Tip: Twin Pines Diner is located directly next to us. If you see their big red Twin Pines sign you have arrived at the correct place. Parking is available in the back of the salon. We are on the second floor, the second door on the right.

Hotels Near Hair's Talent Salon

Omni New Haven at Yale Upscale

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Holiday Inn Branford

Mention Hair’s Talent Salon for discounted room rates.

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New Haven Village Suites Comfy

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The Graduate New Haven

Reserve a Room

Transportation Services

JFK Shuttle Service

Connecticut Limo

Local Driver From Airport:
Angel Rivera: (203)589-1444

Go Prime Airport Shuttle